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Our Values.

our story.: About Us

We value: family. community. justice. art. transparency. accountability. equity. equality. authenticity. joy. solidarity. earth.

the brilliance and possibility of imperfection. love.

We respect and value the contentious history black, indigenous, people of color (bipoc) have with the word "feminist;" this tension hold us to account to live our Black Feminist and Womanist principles in real and measurable ways. We were born from and are guided by the lush cannon of Black Feminist thought producers and activists; the space endeavors to be intersectional, inclusive and welcoming of all who stand with and on behalf of the full human rights of womxn and girls.  We seek to advance and uplift stories of womxn and girls around the globe who are redefining the word feminist and feminism with every day, ordinary culturally informed acts of resistance and love.

We value the people who helped create this space and those who help sustain Cafe con Libros. 

Our highest intention is to center the needs and personality of the community in such a way that we’re seen as a resource and respite.

The humans who work with us are part of a team and will be regarded as such. 

While we do not deny there is hierarchy in the employee and employer relationship,

we are committed to working hard to minimize the harmful impact of such relationships by remaining mindful,

inclusive, and accountable to our values as well as to the larger Brooklyn, New York, and global communities.

As emerging entrepreneurs, we recognize our role in the global commercial market as one that can either be complicit in exploitative practices or rooted in fairness and equality.  Therefore, we have committed ourselves to pursuing business endeavors that honors the full worth of our partners.  Our coffee is fair traded and pastries are locally baked.

Above all, we value the worth of all living organisms on earth. 

We hold human relationships, the role of community, and living as closely to the type of equitable world we wish to create with high esteem.  We cherish the simplicity of genuine conversation, diversity, and love. 

We wish to generate and attract the same energy.

Finally, we realize that we are a work in progress; continuously becoming. 

Simply, we value growth. 

We invite you to remain in community with us; tell us how we can be better.


kqd & team cafe con libros, bk

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